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About NLWA
Deerfield, Epsom & Northwood NH

Formed in 1992, the Northwood Lake Watershed Association is registered in the State of New Hampshire as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. Our officers, directors and members come from the three towns that have shoreline on Northwood Lake. All three towns provide financial support to the NLWA, as do many seasonal and permanent residents. Several local businesses also provide assistance and support. 


Our board is made up of elected officers and directors who are unpaid. Election of the board is done at the annual meeting usually held in July. The board may fill vacancies during the year.

Board Of Directors
July 2024

Brian Lobao, President
Norm Royce, Vice President
Linda Lobao, Treasurer
Becky McCarthy, Secretary
Mike Coumas •  Mike McCarthy•  Robert Poyourow • Pat Donahue

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